More Payment Options
Pay Your Loans Online
As an alternative to digital banking, for a nominal fee you can make a payment on most Unitus loans including certain business loans where the minimum payment is $1,500.00 or less.
Or set up recurring monthly electronic transfers using this form.
Debit Card or Routing Number
Set up automatic payments from other financial institutions, at no cost!
Make a one-time payment using your debit card or account routing number for a low fee of $4.95.
Questions? Please see our FAQs.
Send a Check
For no additional charge, you may choose to send us a check each month. Please include your account number and loan number on the memo line of the check.
Please mail check to the following address:
Unitus CCU
Attn: Loan Services
P.O. BOX 1937
Portland, OR 97207 -
First Mortgage Loan Payments
Log in to digital banking to make payments or set up recurring payments from Unitus or other financial institutions.
Student Loan Payments
If you have a student loan, please visit our Student Loan Center to make a payment.
Additionally, you can learn more about if refinancing a student loan makes sense for your individual situation.
What is ACH?
ACH stands for Automated Clearing House and it allows us to automatically transfer funds from your other accounts and apply them to your loan. You can do this two ways:
- Simply fill out this ACH Form and email it to: loanservicing@unitusccu.com
- Print, fill out, and mail this ACH Form and we will set up your automatic monthly payment for you!
NOTE: If you are mailing your ACH form, please mail it at least 10 days prior to your loan due date to the following address:
Unitus CCU
Attn: Loan Services
P.O. BOX 1937
Portland, OR 97207
Other Mortgage Payment Options
For other payment options, please contact Unitus Mortgage Servicing at 1-877-877-8367 or by email at customerservice@loanadministration.com, Monday-Friday 5:30 a.m.-9:00 p.m. and Saturday 10:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m.
Do not use online loan payment service to pay off your loan, this can cause a shortage and may cause a delay in the release of your title.
Note: Please contact Loan Services at 503-423-8399 for loan payoff instructions.
You can cancel a scheduled recurring or automatic payment by accessing the “Manage Payment” Screen within this service and clicking on the “Cancel Scheduled Payment” option.
When you access the service, simply click on “Set Up Auto-Pay” button to set up a recurring payment. In that service, you will have the option to link your other financial institution routing and account number to make a payment.
When you access the service, simply click on the “Manage Auto-Pay” option to edit any of the automatic payment criteria such as frequency, payment amount, etc.
To update the account/routing number information for your automatic payment, under the “Manage Auto-Pay” option, Scroll to the bottom of the menu list and select ‘+ Add Another Payment Method’ to add the new account. When you add the new account, you will want to delete the old account information by clicking on the Profile tab, locate the pay from account and delete it from the list.
Members must be less than 40 days delinquent to use the online loan payment service.
Note: If your loan is over 40 days delinquent, please reach out to Unitus’ Member Solutions team at 503-423-8710 or 1-800-452-0900 ext. 8710.
The maximum payment amount to use this service is $1,500. Any funds received in the excess of your loan payment will be applied to the principal balance of your loan.
If you are having trouble with making your payment, please contact the Loan Services department at 503-423-8399.
The loans you can make a payment on include auto loan, home equity, credit card, personal loans, personal lines of credit and certain business loans where the minimum payment is $1500.00 or less.
You cannot make a payment to your mortgage loan through this service. Please visit the mortgage portal within online banking to make a payment to your mortgage loan.
You cannot make a payment through this service on your student loans. Please visit our Student Lending Center where you can make a payment.
You will receive this error if you are attempting to log in after you have registered. Ensure the password/email combination you used to register is the same as the information you are entering when attempting to log back in.
You do not have the ability to cancel or edit a payment through this online payment service.